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Memory Storage

The essence of the content revolves around the intricacies of memory storage, detailing the processes and types of memories we form and how they transition from one stage to another.
  • There are three kinds of memory storage: sensory, short-term, and long-term, each with distinct characteristics and functions.
  • Sensory memories last for a brief moment, providing continuity to our experiences, while short-term memories serve as a temporary storage for immediate tasks.
  • Short-term memories can transform into long-term memories through rehearsal, with long-term memories having the potential to last indefinitely.
  • Broadbent's Filter theory and the concept of selective attention play crucial roles in determining which memories transition from sensory to short-term storage.
  • Emotional memories, particularly those involving fear, can form both short-term and long-term memories in parallel, highlighting the impact of emotions on memory formation.
Understanding Memory Storage
The Transition from Sensory to Short-Term Memory
Short-Term to Long-Term Memory Conversion
Selective Attention and Memory Formation
Implicit vs. Explicit Long-Term Memories