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As part of our mission to make high-quality, effective MCAT prep accessible to all students, we are pleased to offer the following financial aid options for students:

  • free MCAT prep for students who qualify for AAMC's Fee Assistance Program!
  • generous financial aid for MCAT prep for other students in need!

Free MCAT Prep for Students Who Qualify for AAMC's Fee Assistance Program

We currently offer a free 12 months of self-study MCAT prep* to any student who qualifies for AAMC's Fee Assistance Program! All you have to do is send help@magoosh.com a screenshot of your AAMC account (with your AAMC ID clearly visible) showing that your FAP application has been approved and is currently valid. Note: if you are unable to access your FAP account online, you can send us a copy of your emailed award letter with the end date and your AAMC ID visible.

Example screenshots

Example 1:

Example 2:

*Free MCAT prep for FAP students includes access to our full, self-study MCAT prep program. Email assistance from test prep experts can be included for a small fee.

Financial Aid for Students Who Cannot Afford Magoosh MCAT

If you do not qualify for AAMC's Fee Assistance program and cannot afford Magoosh, please reach out to help@magoosh.com to learn about our financial aid options.

Start Magoosh MCAT Prep Today

Your purchase also comes with a 7-day Money-Back Guarantee. There is no monthly charge. Pay just once.