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We’re here to help you improve as fast as possible. With Magoosh, you’ll always be studying with the most updated,
tried-and-tested materials, based on careful analysis of students’ answers. We don’t overwhelm you with questions; we focus on high-yield topics and make every
question count!
You can also take notes, bookmark, read transcripts, and give us feedback. We give you everything you need to make studying a breeze.
“The videos on Magoosh were very concise which made it easy to watch many videos at a time. Magoosh did give me a 10 point improvement which was amazing, and hopefully, that improvement will help me get into a profession in healthcare!”
We make it easy for you to figure out where to start studying, and to stay motivated until test day. Our carefully crafted study schedules accommodate varying study times and skills , so you'll always know the best way to study.
“I was studying for the test while still in college, so the flexible online format really fit my schedule. I utilized the suggested study plan to keep me on track and found that it worked well for me to focus on specific material each day. I particularly appreciated the question bank, as the style of question was very similar to what I saw on the MCAT. Using Magoosh helped me feel prepared the MCAT, and I think that that confidence showed in my test score.”
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