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Common Ion Effect

The content delves into the common ion effect, explaining its significance in altering the solubility of compounds, with a focus on its application in advanced problem-solving scenarios such as the MCAT. It covers the theoretical underpinnings through Le Chatelier's Principle, mathematical calculations using ICE tables, and practical applications including the impact of pH and complex ion formation on solubility.
  • The common ion effect decreases the solubility of a salt if one of its ions is already present in the solution, demonstrated through Le Chatelier's Principle.
  • ICE tables are introduced as a method to calculate changes in solubility, highlighting the importance of initial, change, and equilibrium states in the process.
  • Complex ion formation can increase the solubility of salts by removing one of the products from the solution, with examples provided to illustrate the concept.
  • The role of pH in altering solubility is discussed, showing how the presence of weak acid or base conjugates can significantly impact the solubility of certain compounds.
  • Practical applications of these concepts are explored through problem-solving examples, emphasizing the relevance of the common ion effect in healthcare and chemical reactions.
Understanding the Common Ion Effect
Applying ICE Tables for Solubility Calculations
Complex Ion Formation and Solubility
The Impact of pH on Solubility