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Memory Storage

The essence of memory storage is crucial for understanding how we process, retain, and recall information, which is fundamental for GRE exam preparation.
  • Memory storage is categorized into three types: sensory, short-term (or working memory), and long-term memories, each playing a unique role in how we perceive and interact with the world.
  • Sensory memories last for a brief moment, providing continuity to our experiences, while short-term memories serve as a temporary storage for immediate tasks.
  • Long-term memories, which can last indefinitely, are formed through various kinds of rehearsal from short-term memories and are stored in the neocortex.
  • Selective attention is crucial for transferring information from sensory to short-term memory, and emotional memories, especially those tied to fear, can form both short-term and long-term memories in parallel.
  • Long-term memories are divided into implicit (procedural) and explicit (declarative) memories, with explicit memories further categorized into episodic and semantic memories.
Understanding Memory Storage
The Three Types of Memory
Short-Term to Long-Term Memory Transition
Selective Attention and Memory Formation
Implicit vs. Explicit Long-Term Memories